Ramblecast: Gibbet Hill

Part One (bit windy but gets clearer):

Part Two:

Part Three

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8 thoughts on “Ramblecast: Gibbet Hill

  1. Dear Tom,
    I love your writing, but am finding the ramblecasts very difficult. So much noise interference!
    Not my favourite thing. Even though what you say is fascinating.

  2. I could listen to your sharing of these tales endlessly. Thank you so much Tom, I really look forward to each recording’s fierceness, wildness, darkness, vigour and twists of humour.

  3. I absolutely love the Ramblecasts. As soon as I heard the wind I part closed my eyes and it transported me in my mind straight back to ‘my’ moor listening to the sounds of the wind and walking. How I miss it and cannot wait to back back. If you love the moors they are your heartland. So seemingly desolate yet so full of life & beauty – whatever the time of year.
    This ramblecast in particular also brought back to me of the time I walked Launceston to South Zeal when camping near Bridestowe.
    It rained heavily & incessantly from the time I left the tent to the time I reached South Zeal.
    Up on the moor we met no one, just some beautiful Highland Cattle & Sheep.
    The dogs and I were soaked but we loved it. Thank you for letting us share your Ramblecasts Tom.

  4. Just wonderful. Like a previous comment said, I too close my eyes and I feel like I’m walking with you, I can feel the wind and imagine squelching over the ground.
    Just lovely
    Thankyou ☺

  5. A friend once said to me that on Dartmoor there is always some sort of path between biggish objects, but I suppose the weather has to be good enough for you to see the objects….. There was proper squelching on this Ramblecast Tom. That path from Gibbet to Lydford is a bit exposed. Gibbet has wonderful 360 degree views but is mostly desolate underfoot – nightmarish beauty, as you say.
    Out once in terrible weather near the firing ranges we came across a totally silent group of Gurkhas sheltering behind a wall. Just like the photo you took of those ponies the other day. It was a very strange encounter. We all tried not to look too surprised at the others’ presence.
    Thanks for the Taylor Swift Folklore recommendation. My favourite tracks are Exile and Betty. Will try Evermore.
    I like Loreena McKennitt’s The Highwayman too. Not sure if he ended up in a gibbet, shot down like a dog on the highway.

  6. Utterly fascinating, and that river hardly sounds as if it’s calming down. It sounded really angry.

    A man made canal runs down the side of where I live in Turkey, solely to provide a controlled path for the water that comes of the big hill/small mountain at the end if the valley during torrential rain. It only gets used once or twice every winter and you need some serious rain for it to be filled. That torrent sounds like your river for maybe a few hours …. and then it calms down and two days later it’s dry again. Sitting here for the best part of a year in Northamptonshire because of Covid, I miss that canal.

  7. I’ve never listened to you before, although have now read some of your books. It felt like walking along with a chatty friend. Brilliant. Which watch out for more to listen to in future.

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